Children learn languages best when they're young, our fun Spanish for children classes and resources will introduce the new language gradually with topics the children love and relate to.
Have a look at our free sample for Early Years settings
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Nano Spanish Club can help you and the children at your setting learn Spanish together
Frequently asked questions

How does the online membership work?
When you are ready click here to choose your price plan. I give you access to all the content in the private area and I will be available to assist you if you need extra help.
You will find a step by step guide for every learning section.
Decide on your groups (I would recommend a maximum of 12/15 in each group) and you are set to start teaching and learning!
You have the option to buy a monthly, 3 months or yearly membership.
How do I cancel?
This is a recurrent subscription, so if you would like to cancel (I hope you won’t!), just send us an email and we will cancel your subscription straight away.
Please note that once the payment is made, there no refunds on the monthly and 3 month payment plans. For the year plan, you are entitled to a refund within 15 days of joining.
What will happen when I join?
Once you click on the button Join, you will be asked to enter your payment details. We use a paypal payment system, but you don’t need to have a paypal account to join us. Just enter your details and your payment will be set up.
Once you have made the payment, you will receive an email with the steps you need to follow to create your username and password … use these details to login!
If I buy the 3 month or year subscription, do I have access to all the content at once?
Yes you will have access to all the videos, vocabulary planning guides and extra resources.
I would like to join now!
Amazing! get in touch with Josefina@nanospanish.com or join here.
How much does it cost?
Check our our price plans here
We are running an introductory offer for monthly, three months and year memberships.
I would like one of your teachers to deliver the classes
Excellent, get in touch with Josefina@nanospanish.com to check availability