Games to learn Spanish with your children. Babies, toddlers and pre schoolers.

Playing games is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to learn or practice Spanish with your children. One great benefit about learning additional languages in early childhood is that children who learn another language before age five use the same part of the brain to acquire that second language that they use to…
Print out Spanish activity bank and other resources.

As we are reviewing our offering I want to offer you a print out activity bank. find it below and get in touch for more resources. I can’t believe we have reached July! The end of March created such a confusing and challenging situation for us that it seems strange to think that we can…
El día de los muertos: Films, Foods, decorations and Festivities for your little ones

Celebrate Halloween, el día de los muertos. Too often when we’re learning a new language, we take the language out of context, and focus on the technicalities of grammar and vocabulary – forgetting the rich tapestry of culture, tradition and community which motivates us to learn a language in the first place. El día de…
3 great books for summer reading and learning Spanish with your little ones

I want to share with you these 3 great books for summer reading and learning Spanish with your little ones. From early infancy, reading to your baby begins to teach her to recognise the sounds and rhythm of language and to feel that cuddling with you and reading books is comforting and fun. You can…