Games to learn Spanish with your children. Babies, toddlers and pre schoolers.

Spanish South West London

Playing games is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to learn or practice Spanish with your children. One great benefit about learning additional languages in early childhood is that children who learn another language before age five use the same part of the brain to acquire that second language that they use to…

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Harnessing the dizzying power of digital

The power of digital When I was a child, ‘digital’ interactions consisted mostly of sneaking to watch cartoons early in the morning at weekends, shouting out answers to the questions being asked in the programmes we were watching and making imaginary shapes out when our chunky TV set struggled to find signal. It’s mind-boggling to…

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Becoming bilingual: time, techniques and opportunities with a newborn

Becoming bilingual

Is becoming bilingual a realistic aspiration for parents and children with only partial exposure to one of the languages? As a language teacher and mother of two multilingual children, the answer is yes. It is, of course, not an easy path, but one that is worth all the effort. I have been meeting other parents…

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Craft ideas to practice your Spanish autumn vocabulary

These craft ideas will help you practice your Spanish autumn vocabulary. Children love crafts and parents generally do too, unless you expect it to be incredibly messy and out of control… or maybe that’s just me… While doing a craft activity, children are focused because they have to use their hands and manipulate new textures…

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