Games to learn Spanish with your children. Babies, toddlers and pre schoolers.
Playing games is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to learn or practice Spanish with your children. One great benefit about learning additional languages in early childhood is that children who learn another language before age five use the same part of the brain to acquire that second language that they use to…
Harnessing the dizzying power of digital
The power of digital When I was a child, ‘digital’ interactions consisted mostly of sneaking to watch cartoons early in the morning at weekends, shouting out answers to the questions being asked in the programmes we were watching and making imaginary shapes out when our chunky TV set struggled to find signal. It’s mind-boggling to…
El día de los muertos: Films, Foods, decorations and Festivities for your little ones
Celebrate Halloween, el día de los muertos. Too often when we’re learning a new language, we take the language out of context, and focus on the technicalities of grammar and vocabulary – forgetting the rich tapestry of culture, tradition and community which motivates us to learn a language in the first place. El día de…
Q&A: How Nano Spanish club can offer extra learning at home
On this blog post we are showcasing one of our parents using Nano Spanish club as an extra learning resource at home. Jimmy comes to our Monday classes with his 2 year old son, Séamus, and signed up to the online membership before the summer to continue the language exposure at home and to share…
Plant a Nano Flower this Summer and Learn Spanish
Plant a Nano flower this summer and learn Spanish. Watch our video where we will show you how to plant a Nano flower. If you have been attending our classes this term you have most probably got a little present from Nano, but if you haven’t, watch our video so you can plant your Nano…
3 great books for summer reading and learning Spanish with your little ones
I want to share with you these 3 great books for summer reading and learning Spanish with your little ones. From early infancy, reading to your baby begins to teach her to recognise the sounds and rhythm of language and to feel that cuddling with you and reading books is comforting and fun. You can…
Craft ideas to practice your Spanish autumn vocabulary
These craft ideas will help you practice your Spanish autumn vocabulary. Children love crafts and parents generally do too, unless you expect it to be incredibly messy and out of control… or maybe that’s just me… While doing a craft activity, children are focused because they have to use their hands and manipulate new textures…
Using your hands, a powerful learning tool
According to developmental experts, manual dexterity is directly tied to cognitive development. “It’s through her hands that your baby demonstrates the link between thought and action,” says Rhoda Erhardt, a paediatric occupational therapist in who specializes in hand function. That’s why it’s important to track your child’s hand development and encourage her fine motor skills.…
Give it a go, learn Spanish with your children
It is time to give it a go! Learn Spanish with your children. You learned a language at school, you loved playing around with the different sounds in your mouth, a bit like chewing gum: “Bonjour mon ami” pursing your lips, bringing the ‘r’ down to your throat, giving your hair a flick in real…