3 Crafts to practice your Spanish Christmas words

In this blog post you will find 3 Christmas crafts to practice your Spanish Christmas vocabulary. The days are very short now and we all need some ideas to entertain the children, I hope you like this crafty Christmas decorations that you can also use to practise your Spanish. 1. Paper plates Christmas tree: Árbol de…
Practise your Spanish and Celebrate Christmas the Spanish way

Looking for an immersion experience? here is a thought: why not Celebrate Christmas the Spanish way. Here are 5 things you can add to your Christmas celebrations, practise your Spanish and celebrate Christmas the Spanish way. 1. The Christmas lottery : El Gordo de Navidad In Spain Christmas really starts on the 22nd of December. It…
Using your hands, a powerful learning tool

According to developmental experts, manual dexterity is directly tied to cognitive development. “It’s through her hands that your baby demonstrates the link between thought and action,” says Rhoda Erhardt, a paediatric occupational therapist in who specializes in hand function. That’s why it’s important to track your child’s hand development and encourage her fine motor skills.…
Give it a go, learn Spanish with your children

It is time to give it a go! Learn Spanish with your children. You learned a language at school, you loved playing around with the different sounds in your mouth, a bit like chewing gum: “Bonjour mon ami” pursing your lips, bringing the ‘r’ down to your throat, giving your hair a flick in real…