Great toys and games ideas for your little Spanish learners

In this blog post I am very happy to share my last findings on great toys and games for your little Spanish learners. I love to find good games that can be used to promote language learning at home, they have been a great help for me to keep the Spanish language going with my…

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Learn the colours in English and Spanish

learn the colours in English and Spanish

Why not learn the colours in English and Spanish at the same time. Children love colours and parents play a main role in helping them learn, here are some useful tips to help children learn the colours in English and Spanish. Children usually learn about colour during their preschool years. The ability to identify colours…

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Can babies learn a second language?

can babies learn a second language?

When we think about educational activities for our babies and toddlers, many parents will ask themselves, Can babies learn a second language? There are many things that we can do with our babies and toddlers and we all want the best for them, but is trying to introduce a second language at an early age…

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Give it a go, learn Spanish with your children

learn spanish with children

It is time to give it a go! Learn Spanish with your children. You learned a language at school, you loved playing around with the different sounds in your mouth, a bit like chewing gum: “Bonjour mon ami” pursing your lips, bringing the ‘r’ down to your throat, giving your hair a flick in real…

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