If you could, would you offer a Second Language at your Nursery?

If you could, would you offer a second language at your nursery? The early years forms a critical stage in children’s development and all educators strive to maximise children’s potentials. When educators are looking for well rounded curricula that will fulfil the promise of a better education to offer our children the very best opportunity at…
Can babies learn a second language?

When we think about educational activities for our babies and toddlers, many parents will ask themselves, Can babies learn a second language? There are many things that we can do with our babies and toddlers and we all want the best for them, but is trying to introduce a second language at an early age…
Are you learning Spanish with your children? These tips on TV programmes can help

Learning Spanish with your children could be your great plan from this summer. A fantastic way to spend time together doing something educational and fun. We have a lot of tips on our blog to help out and today I want to share some educational programmes that can add to your learning Spanish with your…
Why offering language learning in your nursery is fun for children, staff and parents

In this post today we are going to cover why offering language learning is fun for the children, the staff and the parents. When children are young, they are learning sponges. Every new experience, every word they learn, every behaviour they adopt, is an investment in a more fruitful future. You can never have a…