Print out Spanish activity bank and other resources.

As we are reviewing our offering I want to offer you a print out activity bank. find it below and get in touch for more resources. I can’t believe we have reached July! The end of March created such a confusing and challenging situation for us that it seems strange to think that we can…
Harnessing the dizzying power of digital

The power of digital When I was a child, ‘digital’ interactions consisted mostly of sneaking to watch cartoons early in the morning at weekends, shouting out answers to the questions being asked in the programmes we were watching and making imaginary shapes out when our chunky TV set struggled to find signal. It’s mind-boggling to…
El día de los muertos: Films, Foods, decorations and Festivities for your little ones

Celebrate Halloween, el día de los muertos. Too often when we’re learning a new language, we take the language out of context, and focus on the technicalities of grammar and vocabulary – forgetting the rich tapestry of culture, tradition and community which motivates us to learn a language in the first place. El día de…
Reading in Spanish, how can I teach my child? Tips and resources

Reading in Spanish, how can I help my child? Tips and resources. Children are curious about reading, if you are learning Spanish together or you speak Spanish at home, here is what you can do to start the process of reading in Spanish. When should I start? The very first step begins as soon as…
Great toys and games ideas for your little Spanish learners

In this blog post I am very happy to share my last findings on great toys and games for your little Spanish learners. I love to find good games that can be used to promote language learning at home, they have been a great help for me to keep the Spanish language going with my…
Teach Spanish to your toddler

Toddler- hood the best time to learn September can be a great time to start something new, why not teach Spanish to your toddler. The idea might sound a bit crazy when you think that they are only starting to speak their first language, but this is exactly why it is the optimal time to…
Learning outside the box

At Nanos Spanish we love everything to do with languages and we are proud to be part of a community with great projects promoting them, particularly if it also involves learning outside the box. In this blog post we want to let you know about our friends from Pencil and Fork who are not only…
5 Great YouTube Channels to Learn Spanish

This blog post is for you, parents, here is a list of 5 great youtube channels to learn Spanish. Language learning is not an easy task and lots of factor come into play to make a success of it but if you already find yourself spending some of your time looking at Youtube videos why…
Music is a powerful tool to learn Spanish with your children

Music is a powerful tool to learn Spanish, children love music and singing and they love repetition, the best ingredients to learn! Do you remember singing all those simple nursery rhymes from childhood? If the first part of a familiar song text is given, most of us will finish singing the song, even if we…
3 crafts and activities to learn and practice Spanish winter vocabulary

In this blog post I am putting together 3 crafts and activities to learn and practice Spanish winter vocabulary. Create your own snow. I haven’t seen any snow so far this winter, but with this activity you can enjoy making a mini snow man from home. You will need: Corn starch Shaving foam A…